Sheyhantaur Complex

Sheyhantaur Complex

Sheyhantaur Mausoleum was built by order of Amir Temur for revered by all Muslims Sufi Shaykh Havendi at-Takhur in the XIV century. According to legend, Sheikh Havendi at-Takhur entrusted to descendants to bury him in this place next to the tree of Zulkarnayna Iskander (Alexander of Macedon). And today, in the mausoleum of Sheikh can be seen petrified tree, which is called "the dead tree".
Around the mausoleum for many centuries has been built tombs of rulers of Tashkent and their entourage. And by the end of XIX century there arose a necropolis, consisting already of sixteen mausoleums. However, till our days survived only three buildings:
Sheyhantaurs’ Tomb. The burial vault consists of two premises: in the first, under twelve-faced dome is the tomb of the sheikh himself, in the second - the burial place of his wife and son.
The mausoleum of the ruler of Tashkent in XVIII century Tolley-biy nicknamed Kaldyrgach-biy - "swallow". Tolley-biy entered into the annals of history as a follower of the teachings of Ahmad Yassavi, a fair judge, an excellent speaker, who knew how to light the people with his speeches and the leader of the struggle against Dzhungaro-Kalmyk invasion of Central Asia. This mausoleum is the only one in Tashkent with a conical ribbed dome, typical for buildings in desert areas.
Mausoleum of Yunus Khan Mogolistanskiy - a grand structure, with the portal and high lancet arch is located on the territory of the State Islamic University. Facades of the mausoleum are decorated with Arabic calligraphy and traditional ornament “girikh”.

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